Rabu, 22 Desember 2010

The Analysis of the Four Compact Disc Ready Made Material of Computer Assisted Language Learning

The self-access computer mediated language learning program is usually designed on the basis of five principles. The five principles are interactivity, usability, content appropriateness, effectiveness, and performance. The following paragraph will discuss and discribe the five principles of the self accessmnet of the four compact disc ready made material.

The first compact disc ready material is “Easy to Sing“. It is a good material especially for children of 5-11 years old or for Kindergarten students to Elementary School students. It is suitable for practice in listening and singing ( pronunciation ). It can also be used for Junior High School students for different activities, for example listening and writing. It can be used for practicing in singing while having breaktime after feeling tired of studying grammar, for instance. The perfomance of the material is good for the presentation both in the layout of the screen, the colour and the ilustration. The Compact disc is easy to operate or navigate.

The second compact disc is “Learn English“. This compact disc consists of four main part with different themes. Those are word practice, speaking practice, easy game, and hard game. this material can be use for practicing listening and speaking ( expecially in pronunciation ). It is also able to used for playing game to improve vocabularies. This material is suitable for Kindergarten to Elementary School students. The phrases game can be used for Junior High School students. All the bottons of the instruction are easy to navigate or operate. The performance of the materials are beautiful and interesting.

The third compact disc is “Issues in English “. This compact disc consists of more complicated buttons of instruction with different functions, so it needs carefull with to navigate them. The materials mainly consist of getting started, listening, vocabulary, grammar, speaking, and writing from level I to IV for each. This material of English is suitable for students of Elementary School to Senior High School. The performance of the illustration is excellent.

The fourth compact disc is “Speak More“. This disc mostly consist of material for listening and speaking with different themes from the simple I ( Alphabet ) to more complicated one ( Bussiness ). The materials are suitable for students of Kindergarten to University ( from children to adults ). They are prepared to make listening and speaking activities more interesting with modern performance. The buttons of instruction are quite clear to navigate.

In conclusion, after analyzing the four compact disc ready made material of Assisted Language Learning. I found that the materials have met the five principles. Those are interactivity, usability, content appropriateness, effectiveness, and performance. Finally, I would like to thank to Mr Hartoyo, M.A, Ph.D, as the ICT lecturer for providing the material to the students and we believed that it will give more circumtances and atmospheres in our English teaching from Kindergaten to University in Indonesia.

1 komentar:

  1. all who have written here is about the English ... This blog is a campus job then?
