Warschauer (1996) distinguishes three phases of CALL, illustrating the development of an increasing number of different ways in which the computer has been used in language learning and teaching:
- Behaviouristic: The computer as tutor, serving mainly as a vehicle for delivering instructional materials to the learner.
- Communicative: The computer is used for skill practice, but in a non-drill format and with a greater degree of student choice, control and interaction. This phase also includes (a) using the computer to stimulate discussion, writing or critical thinking (e.g. using programs such as Sim City), and (b) using the computer as a tool or workhorse - examples include word processors, spelling and grammar checkers, and concordancers.
- Integrative: This phase is marked by the introduction of two important innovations: (a) multimedia, (b) the Internet. The main advantage of multimedia packages is that they enable reading, writing, speaking and listening to be combined in a single activity, with the learner exercising a high degree of control over the path that he/she follows through the learning materials. The Internet builds on multimedia technology and in addition enables both asynchronous and synchronous communication between learners and teachers. The advent of the Web has opened up a new range of tasks for Modern Foreign Languages learners, e.g. Web quests, Web concordancing, and collaborative writing.
There has been a prolific output of publications on CALL. The EUROCALL and ICT for Language Teachers bibliographies list the most important research and academic publications, and CILT offers a range of practically oriented publications for practising teachers. Many schools, especially specialist schools with Language College status, have set up extensive Modern Foreign Languages websites, for example Ashcombe School and the Royal Grammar School High Wycombe. Electronic discussion lists form virtual communities of teachers, enabling them to exchange views, seek advice and generally let off steam. The Linguanet Forum is a good example of a lively discussion list aimed at teachers of Modern Foreign Languages.
A wealth of publications relating to online language learning and teaching has appeared in the last few years, a recent publication being Beyond Babel (Felix 2001). But the Web needs to be treated with a degree of caution. As Felix points out:
"...it takes a very special person to learn and, especially, speak a language without face-to-face communication." (Felix 2001:8)
This is why the designer of online language learning materials is advised to adopt
With the advent of broadband, however, many of the problems associated with the Web are being overcome, but an educational institution needs an extremely fast connection to enable multiple users to enjoy the media-rich language learning materials that are currently available: e.g. the BBC Languages website and The Ashcombe School website, both of which contain examples of language learning materials that include audio and video clips."...hybrid approaches designed to avoid potential technical problems, such as downloading activities from the Web on to a self-contained intranet, integrating CD-ROMs and the Web, or running audio conferencing or videoconferencing with Web activities." (Felix 2001:190)
So, where is CALL heading? Undoubtedly, there will be an expansion of online learning, but it is more likely to supplement conventional modes of learning rather than replacing them. Language learners in particular cannot acquire certain skills, for example conversational skills, without face-to-face contact with an experienced teacher, but software tools such as Wimba now facilitate synchronous and asynchronous oral communication and are already being used in distance-learning CALL environments.
An area of research and development currently known as Human Language Technologies (HLT) is likely to make an increasing impact on CALL. Module 3.5 at the ICT for Language Teachers website describes the main areas of HLT that have already had an influence on CALL and which are likely to have an influence in the not-too-distant future. These areas include Natural Language Processing, Machine Translation, Corpus Linguistics and Speech Technology. HLT was once regarded as a fringe area of CALL, but it is now attracting increasing attention, especially among researchers working in the area of Intelligent CALL (ICALL).
Finally, two recent publications indicate the shape of things to come both at a national level and at a European level.
The first publication is UK government document titled Languages for All: Languages for Life - A Strategy for England, published in December 2002. The document describes the Government's new plans to transform the nation's capability in languages, including two radical new initiatives:- A commitment to offer every primary school pupil aged between 7 and 11 the opportunity to study at least one foreign language. See CILT's Primary Languages website, the national gateway to advice, information and support for everyone interested in primary languages: http://www.primarylanguages.org.uk
- The development of a new Keystage 3 Framework for Teaching Modern Foreign Languages at secondary school level - but Modern Foreign Languages will no longer be a compulsory element of the curriculum for children beyond the age of 14.
The Languages for All document is peppered with references to ICT, which is perceived as playing a key role in the strategy, for example:
- Maximising the potential of ICT in primary schools and secondary schools.
- Enabling individual learners to assess and record their own achievements through ICT.
- Raising the quality and widening the range of online teaching and learning materials.
- Expanding e-learning and providing more exposure to native speakers through online systems.
- Setting up international partnerships and using email to communicate with schoolchildren in other countries.
- Setting up virtual language communities.
The report opens with an executive summary that includes the following statement:
"One important fact that has emerged from this study is that Foreign Languages as a subject area is "different" from most other subject areas in the curriculum, namely that it is skill-based as well as knowledge-based, and in this respect it has more in common with Music than, say, History or Geography."
This is an important point. The media-rich environment that CALL software requires places considerable demands upon the hardware and the technicians who have to set it up and maintain it - a fact that is unfortunately often overlooked in most schools.
The report consists of four main parts:
- An overview of the different kinds of hardware and software currently in use in Modern Foreign Languages teaching and learning.
- Case studies from seven different countries exemplifying potentially interesting approaches to Modern Foreign Languages teaching and learning, quality innovation and examples of best practice.
- Future prospects for ICT in Modern Foreign Languages teaching and learning, based on the feedback from respondents to a questionnaire issued to leading CALL practitioners from a wide range of European countries.
- Conclusions and recommendations. These include the setting up a European taskforce to provide advice, organise workshops, and offer support systems for those launching national/regional programmes for ICT in Modern Foreign Languages teaching and learning.
To what extent ICT will prove capable of supporting the Government's National Strategy for Languages and to what extent the European Commission will act on the recommendations in the above report remains to be seen, but there are undoubtedly interesting and challenging times ahead!
Books and articles
Department for Education and Skills (2002) Languages for All: Languages for Life - A Strategy for England.Department for Education and Skills (2003) Framework for Teaching Modern Foreign Languages Years 7, 8 and 9.
Fitzpatrick A. & Davies G. (eds.) (2003)The Impact of Information and Communications Technologies on the teaching of foreign languages and on the role of teachers of foreign languages, EC Directorate General of Education and Culture. The contribution by Graham Davies, relating specifically to the UK, is available in HTML format at http://www.camsoftpartners.co.uk/docs/ICC_Grahams_Report_Final.htm
Warschauer M. (1996) "Computer-assisted language learning: an introduction". In Fotos S. (ed.) Multimedia Language Teaching, Tokyo: Logos International. Also at the ICT for Language Teachers website: http://www.ict4lt.org/en/warschauer.htm
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