Rabu, 22 Desember 2010

Computer Assisted Language Teaching mode, the role of vocational English language teachers

[Abstract] The Development of Computer technology, language instruction provides a greater convenience, but also in a certain extent, changing the role of teachers. Higher vocational institutions English language teachers in this new teaching mode, has also encountered some problems. Vocational English teachers in computer-assisted instruction mode, a classroom teaching activities of the organizers and FAQ persons of culture, is the integration of resources who plan teaching activities and emotional coordinator.
[Keywords:] computer-assisted language teaching; vocational English teachers; role

In 2004, the Ministry of Education promulgated the 'College English Curriculum Requirements (For Trial Implementation)' clear that the 'teaching mode refers to the teaching and learning in teaching and learning environment and stable relations between the elements and teaching the process of structural forms. The colleges and universities should make full use of multimedia and network technology, the introduction of new teaching model to improve the original teacher taught a single classroom-based teaching. 'New teaching model should be based on modern Information technology, especially network Technology as the support, so that the teaching of English from the time and place constraints, towards personalization, self-learning direction. Computer Assisted Language Teaching (Computer Assisted Language Learning, abbreviated as CALL) began to change the traditional image of teachers, 'a pen, a blackboard, a book' class patterns began to be broken, the network curriculum, teaching resource library, multimedia courseware, etc. walked into the classroom, led people to rethink the role of teachers.
In the computer age, learners can be multi-channel access to knowledge, teachers no longer the only source of knowledge, the teacher's role is multi-faceted. Chen Xiaoming, Liu Yuhui (2005) considered that, in the multimedia teaching environment, teachers are the organizers, comments diagnosed persons, intermediaries and the controller. Computer and multimedia courseware for teachers provided a very helpful class, Qin, Shan Mei Yin, Tang Xiangning (2006) pointed out that the status of teachers is not the modernization of educational technology as the weakening of the development of modern teaching techniques, teacher-led changed the role of the teacher's guiding role further strengthened. Network of different cultures to build a platform for exchange, Liao Jin-chao (2005) believes that teachers should play a bridge role in guiding students to understand the differences between different cultures. Network is a double-edged sword, in the dissemination of civilization also spread unhealthy things, so that students in all kinds of contradiction, Zhou Bing Lan, Liu Xiaoqiong (2005) pointed out that teachers can act as an intermediary to effectively help students involved in conflict, active involved in conflict resolution. The development of computer-assisted language teaching software for the convenience of learners to learn, but the students to face only a dead machine, no matter how interactive courseware design strong, the students lack real emotional exchange, Zhang Guo-Ying, Hu Jiyue, tension ( 2005) considered that the network teaching teachers should be focusing on each student's cognitive activity and emotional Experience of the above, it is necessary to stimulate effective learning activities of students as their primary responsibility. Many scholars from different point of view of the computer-assisted language teaching mode, the role and position of teachers to conduct research, the paper computer-assisted language teaching mode, the role of vocational English language teachers to explore.
1, computer-assisted language teaching and vocational English language teachers under the condition of the problems faced by
(A) Teachers consciousness has been diluted
With excellent English courseware development and application, the majority of English teachers find their status of teachers has been a great shock: explain in detail and illustrated with photographs, easy to operate, strong interactive courseware has almost replaced the teachers, and vocational students courseware of interest is much higher than the interest of teachers. As a result, part of the Vocational English teachers have lost their teachers to play down day by day awareness: When it comes to simplify the process, too much reliance on computers and multi-media courseware, became a member of the mouse manipulators and courseware player, hiding darkened classroom , only the head visible. Moreover, the image of the event of a power outage, some teachers would know what to do, the normal classroom became a self-study course on the last, and complained: Today's class prepared wasted! In fact, classroom ill-prepared, completely dependent on computers and modern technology, forgotten how to play the role of teachers.
(B) The student-teacher communication is affective disorder
As teachers consciousness has been diluted, the status of teachers in the classroom weaken the students more time to hear is a voice-over, you can see is the illustrations of the big screen, so emotional communication between teachers and students appeared obstacles. Vocational students in English language base is relatively weak, language learning habits also need to re-train. Language learning habits can not rely on large-screen graphic to cultivate, but to rely on the communication and exchanges between teachers and students, relying on charm to attract teachers to rely on the guidance and supervision of teachers. Of teaching activities are a variety of activities, vocational students need in a variety of teaching activities, look for the fun of learning, through good communication between teachers and students to stimulate learning motivation, and more need for face to face communication to guide them to learn foreign languages.
(C) computer application skills, the lack of
Of language learning is a comprehensive skills, learning, listening, speaking, reading, writing and translation needs go hand in hand. Re-read the traditional Chinese language teaching, translation, light listening, speaking. Well-designed multimedia courseware in listening, speaking both to be concerned about, while the majority of English teachers in the self-made computer-assisted language teaching courseware, due to the lack of computer skills to use, regarding the use of the 'moving operation': the teaching focus from the traditional handwriting on the blackboard lesson plans and moved to the big screen, while the training of listening comprehension and speaking training and not reflected in the multimedia courseware. Some teachers use more sophisticated multimedia courseware or software encountered a very simple operational problems will be helpless, or to avoid fan on the simple, but only text but sound and image with the teachers lack the ability to use your computer invisible, and the advantages of computer-assisted instruction can not be a good play.
Second, computer-assisted language teaching and the teacher's role under the conditions of
(A) FAQ by
'Teachers who are preaching Tuition FAQ. ', Whether traditional or modern education technology teaching conditions, the FAQ are the teacher's basic responsibilities. Computer-assisted language teaching conditions, the computer can missionary, you can Tuition for the doubts, human-computer interaction is still a certain lack of sex. For the English base is relatively weak in terms of vocational college students, their problems will be greater, the problems are manifold. Computer-assisted language teaching conditions, the Q & A and confusion through the BBS, or email to achieve, but the time-poor, for students who study consciousness is not strong, it may not remember their stay in the network issues, FAQ will become empty.
Under the conditions of computer-assisted language teaching and learning methods for teachers of students Q & A Q & A's one of them. Teachers guide the learner in the learning process to overcome various unfavorable factors, the guidance given to learning: how to use the computer to the various resources, how to find useful resources, how to effectively operate computers. In addition, teachers are not willing to communicate face to face with inward-looking backward students and students, teachers can use computers to help learners to overcome their difficulties in this medium. But the computer, after all, can not entirely replace people, human-machine communication can not completely replace human interaction. In computer-assisted language teaching environment, face to face with the question and answer explanations are still learners an integral part of the learning process.
(B) teaching activities planner
Computer-assisted language teaching is different from traditional teaching is a distinctive feature of student-centered, but it does not mean that no teacher, no teaching and learning environment, no teaching activities. Teachers to consider before school lesson plans for students needs analysis, to understand student learning strategies, teaching content analysis to identify teaching goals, because only a good planning of activities for students to create consistent learning environment for students to learn the law in order to achieve a more good learning. Multi-media teaching process for teachers, students, teaching content, teaching media, the dynamic between the four elements of the process, which requires teachers to enhance teaching and learning activities conscious planning.
Some of the foreign classroom practice report shows that the abuse of computer-assisted teaching methods is only a waste of time, the students brought fresh from the initial enthusiasm of learning will be gradually weakened, and the classroom is not an academic report, language training is different from the design requirements process of science and technology, so teachers in the use of computer-assisted teaching, teaching activities in the planning important in the learning process, we must work closely with the courseware, step by step, but also comply with the law of language cognition, and teachers should play a leading role in modern education Under the guidance of thought and teaching philosophy, teaching design, classroom teaching instructive. English is a very practical subject, needs to be shared. Communication through classroom activities to achieve, while the classroom activities is inseparable from teachers (or multi-media courseware) is inspired by presentations and discussion. Inspired the introduction of courseware can be illustrated cultural background knowledge, unheard-of Qushi and so on, teachers observe the learner's attention at any time, interest and learning a positive and timely regulation of changes in the classroom. The discussion in the classroom, teachers as a guide rather than the spectators at any time to provide help and guidance for learners to try to deepen the problem, guiding the students themselves to thinking, discover the laws and issues, while discussing the activities of real-time control to enhance students the learning efficiency per unit time, and the end of the discussion to be concluded. Teachers through observation, timely control the rhythm and all classroom teaching links. The planning of teaching and learning activities in order to complete the task for the purpose of teaching, so teaching process is carried out in accordance with the computer resources to the task throughout the learning activities provide students with the psychological state of active learning.
(C) Resource Integrator
Computer-aided teaching has enriched the English teachers teaching content and teaching methods, set text, animation, audio and video in one to realize foreign language teaching to an open, interactive, diversity changes. However, a large number of learning resources so that students get lost easily, others are prone to producing courseware bound teachers. In the classroom teaching, teachers should keep a clear mind, a reasonable crop, choice properly, according to the teaching objectives and students in the actual design for multimedia courseware in their own classroom, that is to be a learning resource integrator to achieve 'individualized' effect. Reposted elsewhere in the paper for free download
To do a good integration of resources, teachers must be collected material. The purpose of language learning applications, and provide teachers with a lot of computer applications in the language: the electronic version of the English newspapers and magazines, practical Express, English acoustic film and television, national style introduction. The living language comes from life, not just printed on the book's text and cold letter combinations. This as a material, according to the needs of teaching the content of multimedia courseware as a teaching supplement so that students can access a full range of English language and socio-cultural, but also, curricula, meet the teaching requirement. But the collection of material is a long and laborious work, but also may collect material for a few months, but he is not the actual application of the courseware. To fully understand the outline requirements, consistently, over time, continuous improvement and updating, courseware only consistent with the teaching of English law, there is purpose and requirements, and beautiful and practical, optimal integration of resources.
(D) a bridge between cultures
Foreign language learning itself is a Culture of learning, Chinese Culture and Western culture, the collision process is through words, words, sentences, and chapters to understand a society and culture of this society process. Based on schema theory, cultural background knowledge of language learning plays a very important role. Vocational students comprehensive knowledge as compared with the undergraduate students of the institutions, there is a greater lack of, for some bright background, undergraduate and vocational students know the students may not know, for reading comprehension and listening comprehension will create difficulties for . In the computer-assisted language teaching model, teachers can take full use of the network media, and cultural knowledge for the students added that a bridge between different cultures. Multimedia courseware can not fully take into account the cultural needs of different students, and teachers in the teaching process was able to capture a timely manner the needs of students of different cultures in time to guide students to understand different cultural differences, to enhance the students cultural sensitivity, to help students develop a sense of pride in this culture.
(E) the coordination of emotional
Teaching and learning is a very complex blend of intellectual and emotional process, but emotions between the fusion only in the people. Although the interaction between people and computers are many opportunities for exchange is very broad, but these exchanges have to be a computer network as a medium, the lack of non-verbal emotional communication, not only the lack of real feeling, and is not conducive to physical and mental-round development.
Computer-assisted language learning, learners to self-study-based, but the learner is able to maintain a high degree of attention, whether the initiative to adjust their own learning pace, whether on their own learning and make a timely assessment of whether the people from the to obtain a correct evaluation of the external evaluation of the information, etc., will greatly affect the effect of learners. When the learners encounter specific learning difficulties, if it can not receive timely attention and emotional support and exchanges, it may have upset a sense of emotional weariness and frustration. Teachers should be alerted to such sentiments, timely coordination of the learner's emotions, while taking advantage of their expertise and education in the arts for learners of teaching problem-solving explanations.
Affecting the learning needs of learners learning a very important kind of emotional. Teachers if they can understand the basis of the needs of learners to take appropriate teaching methods, you can receive better teaching results. HAN Xiao-Mei (2005) on the vocational college students learning objectives of the survey showed that 50% of the students considered themselves through the efforts, can be achieved similar to the English native speaker level; 60% of students wanted to be able to express themselves fluently in English for the Thought; 65% of the students have spoken may be enhanced. The survey results show that learners of English learning and high expectations, hoping to have the English communicative competence. Curriculum and teaching software for the network if not more to meet the demands of learners, learners in the study could not find strong point, they will lose interest in learning. Teachers are able to adjust teaching emphasis on timely, coordinated and meet the emotional needs of such, so that learners achieve the learning expectations.
With the development of information technology, computer-assisted language teaching is gradually changing the role of teachers. Teachers are no longer the center of teaching is no longer the master of the classroom, it is no longer a direct knowledge of teachers. Computer-aided language teaching in some areas to reduce the teaching staff, but the computer is only an auxiliary teaching tool. Part of teachers to change the traditional teaching role, is still the organizers of classroom activities. English teachers in the mastery of modern technology, we must also keep abreast of the teaching authority of the language teaching requirements, understand the learning needs of language learners, for learners to provide learning resources, build cultural bridges, seriously planning teaching activities, on time and eliminating doubt and confusion, as learners emotional development counselor.

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