Rabu, 22 Desember 2010

Computer-Aided Instruction on College English teaching and learning in supporting role

Abstract The computer-aided teaching of modern Education theory advocated by the new teaching model. In this paper, computer-assisted instruction on students from the self-study abilities, college English Intensive Reading and listening for the enhancement of classroom and other aspects of their college English teaching and learning for the supporting role. ��
Keywords: computer-assisted instruction Multimedia College English

The rapid Development of science and Technology of today, English as an international common language for the value of self-evident. Therefore, how to make students truly master the English as well as the international communication tool to keep abreast of the latest technology in today's world dynamics, is that many language researchers have been working to conduct research. Although the university is very important in English non-English majors in a program which set up the longest and most time-consuming, however, the current college English teaching in the prevalence of a "time-consuming and more, the effect is relatively small" problem has become more prominent. Many students are busy all day to cope with college English four to six exams, resulting in a large number of English applications Gaofendineng students. Teaching and learning activities in many schools teaching mainly measure only the ability to identify the training of students, not training, capacity-building. This is bound to result in abnormal development of student ability, reflected in listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating in various skills, and causing reading skills, "thriving", and other skills, the results of severe dysplasia. Therefore, how to comprehensively improve the quality of college English teaching, English teaching in the university problems to be solved. ��
Ministry of National Education and other departments to vigorously promote the use of computers for the teaching of college English teaching new attempt. Higher Education Department on January 3, 2004 issued by the "College English Curriculum Requirements" �� �� [1] �� (trial) clearly stated that "we should make full use of multimedia and network technology development has brought opportunities, adopt new teaching model to improve the original teacher taught a single classroom-based teaching model. The new teaching model should be based on modern Information technology as support, especially in networking technology to enable the teaching of English toward personalized learning, free from constraints of time and place of learning, Active learning direction. "" Teaching reform is an important indicator of the success of the students individualized learning methods to the formation and development of student self-learning ability. "newly promulgated National College English Syllabus (as amended) explicitly pointed out:" Modernization The teaching methods, such as audio, video, film, television, Internet and multimedia courseware for the use of help to improve the quality of teaching college English, schools should take positive measures to actively promote the rational use of these teaching methods. "All these show that the Computer assisted language learning (Computer Assisted Language Learning, or CALL) is a new era of an effective medium of instruction methods. The so-called computer-assisted language learning is to use the computer as a primary learning media to carry out learning activities, namely the use of computers to support student learning. The computer can not only show a simple text, numbers, characters such as teaching information, but also the output animation, video, images and sounds, can be very easy to do information, graphics, and text, sound, video, and Mao, this multi-dimensional three-dimensional educational information dissemination of information greatly enhanced realism and expression. As a new learning model of modernization, it is considered to be foreign language teaching and learning in the most innovative areas, its advantages become more and more people's positive attention. At present, many cities have established a network of universities Computer Aided Language Learning Center (Learning Center), that is, self-learning center (Self-access center), for students to foreign language self-study. In foreign countries, such a learning mode has already spread to each of the comprehensive universities. The reason is because it conforms to the requirements of college English teaching reform. With the computers and network development and popularization of computer networks has become a lot of learning to conduct self-study language learners is one of the main ways. This paper will explore multiple perspectives to computer-assisted language learning for the college English teaching and learning in a supportive role. ��
1, computer-assisted language teaching and student learning autonomy training ��
Research on computer-assisted language teaching began in the mid-20th century, 50. In the past 20 years, many studies have proven that this model in improving the language ability of students and to promote self-learning ability in a positive role. The computer can not only show a simple text, numbers, characters such as teaching information, but also the output animation, video, images and sounds, can be very easy to do information, graphics, and text, sound, video, and Mao, this multi-dimensional three-dimensional educational information dissemination of information greatly enhanced realism and expression. In addition, the popularity of the network, the computer-assisted language learning is also equipped with a new content, knowledge of the sources of richer, more diverse forms of information. In the network environment, computer-assisted self-learning, students can get to a more extensive learning materials, such as FLASH, animation, movies, online dictionaries, online courses, online chat rooms, bulletin boards and so became the students to gain knowledge and information channel. Through the network, students can visit the Web site, the search to a more a wealth of information and content. In addition, students can also use e-mail, online chat, BBS, etc. with teachers or fellow students for information feedback and communication. In such convenient conditions, students with identified learning objectives, we can according to their own circumstances, to choose the time to set up their own learning goals, selecting learning objectives can be achieved corresponding learning contents, learning content according to choose their own learning to find the required information, and then the gradual completion of the learning goals one by one and eventually to achieve learning objectives. In addition, the Computer Assisted Language Learning Center, there are still students of computer science courses in self-study courses, teachers, courseware, a large number of listening materials, and self-evaluation software. Students according to their needs and interests to choose their own learning materials for their own learning. Another benefit of this study is that students are free to choose time to learn, rather than by factors such as time and space restrictions. In short, the "computer-assisted self-learning to overcome the traditional classroom in terms of time, teaching content, fear of making mistakes in public, as well as teachers, such as excessive interference constraints, to provide students with a whole new learning Experience �� �� [6] ��". Therefore, computer-assisted language learning can promote students to develop autonomy, to help them learn to be responsible for their own learning, thereby enhancing learning efficiency. ��
Second, computer-assisted teaching on the learning ability of students to enhance ��
In today's knowledge-proliferation of ever-changing era of social change, self-learning capabilities that "learning to learn" capability becomes particularly important. As Knowles �� �� [5] �� pointed out: "One important objective of education is to help people to establish the concept of lifelong learning and mastering the skills of independent learning." Thus, regardless of their educational functions from the University or from the era of development of the talent demands for the quality point of view, enhance the learning ability of university students all have very important significance. �� reposted elsewhere in the paper for free download

What is learning? Some scholars have put "learning capacity" is defined as: In the regular classroom teaching and learning process, students have the knowledge and skills, based on the continuous acquisition of new knowledge and apply such knowledge shown by the activities of the intelligence and the ability of non-intelligence factors �� �� [2] ��. The connotation of learning: First, identify problems and develop problem-solving skills; second is to collect, analyze and use information; third is learning to share and cooperation. It is manifested in four aspects: First, awareness, motivation, habits; second is to obtain, analyze and use information: Three is the evaluation and reflection; Fourth expression. ��
Therefore, the ability to learn there are three particularly important: First, how quickly, the full and effective selection, storage and access to required information; Second, how do use it to solve the problem; third is how to break the routine kind of re-combination, use it to the creation of new ideas. We need to learn not only knowledge, but how to use knowledge and innovative special skills. A fast computer networks, as well as its rich information resources just to meet the needs of students. Learn to use the network of infinite resources and learn to analyze and use is no doubt conducive to learning ability. And this is the traditional books can not do. ��
3, computer-assisted language learning to improve teaching intensive reading ��
Intensive courses in college English major component of the course, but also students to gain knowledge of the main positions. Large amounts of information for teachers to pass the time if there is a computer as a supplementary teaching tool will reach the more desirable teaching effectiveness. For example, teachers can use VCD, slides, PPT courseware, movies, audio and other methods some of the seemingly dull, obscure the contents of the interpretation and rendering out. This can be achieved illustrations vivid and flexible. In addition, PPT classroom courseware can be multiplied the amount of information, saving the time and writing on the blackboard to teach writing so that teachers freed from the chalk powder. Application of this model is not only teaching effectiveness has been strengthened, and can mobilize interest and participation of students enthusiasm for learning there was a marked help. However, multi-media teaching methods course, there are many advantages, but traditional teaching methods still have many advantages of multimedia technology can not be replaced. Thus, in the use of multimedia technology in college English teaching, teachers should make every effort to achieve the following points: �� to make abstract, esoteric, complex teaching content become concrete, simple, intuitive, vivid, so students can understand and grasp. �� the use of colorful, dynamic and delightful multimedia courseware, to stimulate students interest in learning. �� Multimedia Courseware to be capacity-rich unit within hours of teaching contents, in order to effectively improve teaching efficiency and enhance effectiveness of teaching. �� make full use of the information-rich extra-curricular teaching, and expand the scope of teaching and expand the students knowledge �� �� [3] ��. ��
4, computer-assisted language teaching and teaching with the help of hearing ��
Computer Assisted Language Teaching of College English teaching to enhance the role of listening is very clear. Through the computer can create an almost real context. Vygostsky have pointed out that "people are relying on exposure to the real natural, language-rich environment in the acquisition of language." "Using Multimedia to students," to provide sound, images, graphics, text, and Mao's English environment for students to use these devices and teaching aids to visual, listening and speaking activities, very helpful to students in a vivid as possible and approximate the true nature of the Context of Secondary School English as well as �� �� [4] �� ". ��
Currently the University of the more widely used in multimedia teaching materials of "New College English", "Experiencing English", "New Horizon College English" and so on. These materials are available supporting CD-ROM and online teaching management platform can not only provide a large number of real voice material, but also the realization of human-machine interaction for the students self-study provides a good condition. Their original choice of material is a foreign-based, taking into account the diversity of materials and language authenticity. Make full use of modern educational technology model. If teachers and then use some of the difficulty is moderate, lively and interesting teaching materials, such as "traveled the United States" as a supplementary teaching software for students to create a more authentic language environment, you can further enhance students interested in hearing the English language, the language more for the intuitive feelings. Therefore, based on multimedia and networking can contribute to the diversification of listening teaching students self-learning and improve student interest in learning and traditional teaching methods with the incomparable advantage. ��
5 Conclusion ��
Multimedia technology is an effective means of supporting the teaching of English is conducive to the classroom, teachers and flexible scheduling, contributed to an effective communication activities, and to enhance self-learning ability of students, the University has made great teaching and learning of English secondary effect. College English teaching using computer-assisted teaching of modern trends in education reform, but also the inevitable development of the times. Majority of the teaching of English who want to sharpen their level of modern educational technology, give full play to the role of multimedia technologies, appropriately, according to local conditions to the use of multimedia tools, and strive to provide students with a good learning environment. ��
1. Department of Higher Education. College English Curriculum Requirements [Z]. Beijing, 2004 ��
2. Zhou. Collaborative Learning and Teaching in a closed network. China Audio-Visual Education, 2000; (5) ��
3. DENG Fan-yan. Multi-media technology in College English Teaching and Thinking. Machinery Industry Education Research, 2001; (3) ��
4. Rensu Zhen. Strategy-based Approach and the Teaching of Foreign Language Listening. Foreign language profession, 2003; (2) ��
5.Knowles, MSSelf-directed learning: A guide for learners and teachers [M]. New York: Association Press, 1975 ��

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